Blogger Layouts

Thursday, March 22, 2012

My Sigma Beauty Sigmax Review <-- Click here to check out these awesome brushes.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Hurricane Season

This weekend Hurricane Irene, later named Tropical Storm Irene visited the east coast. So, while I was home with nothing to do, I came up with this look that I titled Hurricane Season. If you'd like to learn how to recreate this look on your eyes, click the link below for a step-by-step tutorial. =]

Monday, May 23, 2011


The original version of this look didn’t have red in it, but I thought the red would give it a deeper look. When I was done with this it reminded me of the character Tigerlily from the cartoon version of Peter Pan.

If you would like to learn how to recreate this look, click the link below for a step-by-step tutorial. =)

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Aliens & Rainbows

If anyone saw me at City College on Thursday, April 28, 2011 at Spoke~N~Heard's Poetry for Life event then you saw me wearing this eye shadow look. I love this look, it's very fun and vibrant. It's definitely not an every day look, but if you're looking for something bold and colorful, here it is. 

To learn how to recreate this look on your eyes, click the link below for a step-by-step tutorial. :)

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Sprite (1st Eyeshadow Tutorial)

I haven't used this blog in a long time, but I figured this would be a good place to put this. I've been tracking the various eyeshadow looks I do on myself with pictures on Facebook. A schoolmate asked me to do a tutorial for a look that I call "Sprite." I didn't have the proper setting for a video tutorial, nor did I feel ready for that yet, so I just did a step-by-step written tutorial with corresponding photos. I hope this helps. =]

If you would like to learn how to recreate this look on your eyes, click the link below for a step-by-step tutorial. =)

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

There are many things that I would like to say to you, but I don't know how...

So I haven't written here in such a long time and it's mainly because I haven't been able to get my thoughts in order enough to make sense to even me, so why would I wanna create a mindfuck for anyone else? Here are just some things I've been contemplating regarding certain situations and little constants in life...

What's the sense in people telling me to be myself when even then I can't breathe easy?

I've been thinking about this for a while, people tell me this all of the time and I'm starting to sense some insincerity in their words. When I am myself, it then starts to become displeasing to those exact people and more. Things I do or things I say, they don't like or are bothered by them. Hm, shouldn't you now accept it, I'm just doing what you told me to do. Things I say and things I do, are me being who I am. So what's the problem now?

Now, it isn't in my nature to hurt people and I don't intentionally do things to turn people away, insult them or make them not want to be around me. So how can I reach a medium, being myself and at the same time making sure everyone around me is content? Or should I just stick to being myself not caring what others feel or think about it? Then with that, you're alone all the time while being surrounded by a bunch of people.

They ask why I don't care, so then I care, but then I'm too caring. They ask why I'm like a robot, so I show some emotion, but then they can't deal with them. Then they ask why I'm so mean and why am I so cruel? Why? Because I'm honest? I say shit that everyone is thinking, but won't say? What exactly would you all like from me? Maybe I should get a dial surgically put into me that let's people program me to fit their liking and then everyone will be happy. Yeah? No, negative. I'm so tired of people and their demands. Honestly, it's tiring and believe it or not it cuts me down, bit by bit. Treat me like a human being, just like you have feelings, I do as well. You don't think the shit people do and say doesn't affect me?

I kinda feel like a broken record here, because I've written about this so many times or have spoken about it and people don't change, and I don't expect them to, but I'm gonna need people to not expect me to either. Why should I change and mold myself into someone who pleases you because it's convenient to you?

Monday, January 18, 2010 is what it is...

I'm pretty sure some of my friends have this distorted idea of what I think/feel about them, but I can almost guarantee it's much more than what they see/hear on the surface or what they think they know. My feelings run a lot deeper than most, but I'm usually too afraid to express such feelings in fear of what they'll say or think... *shrug* just being honest...