I haven't written in a long time and I don't have much to write now, but I will say that people, especially people of the female persuasion, irritate my life.
My birthday is in 12 days, I'll be 20...I'm not sure how I feel about that yet.
Hm for whatever reason I went to check my grades for the passed semester and I noticed that my psych of child development grade was changed, and now it's higher. It's now a B+ as opposed to that C+ that used to be there. Bringing my GPA for the spring 09 semester up from a 3.4## to a 3.676. My GPA for the fall 09 was 3.675 and my cumulative GPA is 3.676. Good stuff =)
I'm out, ciao.
P.S. I think I need to compile a list of "Things you have to know about Liv" should people want to keep our acquaintance functioning properly. People do and say a lot of irritating things. That will be in the works soon.
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