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Sunday, September 28, 2008

Mini rant...

Well, this isn't my ideal first post, however I felt the need to rant.

First and is 4 in the morning and I just got done writing a paper.
Psychology, sure it's a science and science deals with some math, but w..t..f at the correlation method? I had to write a paper pretty much based on this, the first half of the paper was fine, answering questions, blah blah and describe the parts and function of the brain, lalala and what not. I get to the fourth paragraph and it's like "compute such and such" and I'm like "Whoaaaa, buddy." It took me forever, most of the time was wasted because I realized that I had left out a whole step so it pretty made no sense to keep going. I attempted to do it all by hand and I just about pulled my hair out. It was suggested that we used excel to find some answers, no clue. I've never used excel before today, so trying to figure that out was a chore. However, I think I found the answers they were looking for, hopefully. If not, honestly, there's really nothing I can do at this point. It was a mind fuck. Luckily I can safely say that the paper is done and I'll submit it sometime tomorrow, since it's due Monday before 5pm.

And another thing, in the instructions we got for the paper it says that it shouldn't exceed four pages, lovely. Well, with all the explaining and describing the paper asked of us my paper exceeded four pages. My first paragraph alone was 2 pages. There's really no way to shorten it at all, it was pretty much outlined for us, we answered questions in the sequence they were asked. I don't know if the people grading the papers will read passed the fourth page, but really...don't assign a paper that will end up being longer than you'd hope. It kicked my ass, but I'm glad I got it done. Now, hopefully I'll get a good grade on it, or that'll be really annoying.

On a happier note, I bought a pair of jeans, a new pair of ballet flats, and a short sleeve jacket today. =) Tomorrow, I believe I'm heading out to Jersey again to pick up these boots I've been dying for. I drove out there today to a different mall and they were completely sold out in black and were only available in a size 12. Seriously now, what female has a size 12 foot? I mean unless you're related to big foot, or you're a ginormous athlete in deperate need for cute boots I don't see those selling too well.

Seeing as it's almost 4:30 and I'm tired, I suppose I'll end this here. More tomorrow,