Hello hello hello, it's been a while.
Let's see, I just got off the phone with Leonardo from Mississippi after trying to fix my stupid phone's MMS messaging for the passed two hours or so, but that's nothing compared to the 3 days I spent talking to Sarah from Alabama...well it works again for now so I guess that's good...T-Mobile should pay me for all the phones I've had from them...including replacements...sigh. All of my phones should be free lol.
So I have about a month until I go back to school which I thought would be cool, I mean it is cause it's work free but I'm so bored!! I've been drawing and coloring, maybe if I get to the depths of boredom I'll take pictures of the work and post em on here they're pretty sick I must say. I did all the titles of the Twlight saga including Midnight Sun and then ones I did last night say Comedy & Tragedy with the little faces and another that says Love & Hate with a heart and then a skull and crossbone with a pink bow on its head. =)
Speaking of the Twilight saga, I'm almost done with Breaking Dawn...naturally I would've been done but I make myself stop reading after a while so it lasts a little longer because I don't want it to end lol. I'll probably finish it sometime today though and I'll eventually reread them all. =) Yeah I'm a loser but I never liked book series this much.
I think I'm gonna start logging my dreams because they're all weird. None of them are like just normal dreams or happy dreams. I always wake up like......WHAT? lol. The pregnancy dreams kil me I'm just like wtf? all the time. The last dream I remember, wasn't a pregnancy one but instead I was on some train going who knows where with kids from school and someone had a freaking mini pet bull with like mexican decorations on its horns and my stupid ass went to pet it like a dog and it had human teeth and bit me....? I was like "Son of a bitch" and hit it ontop of its head lol...with me was a cold pot of rice...and I was like I have to make sure I bring this home... and I end up forgetting it on the train and I'm like ah I'm gonna get in trouble...so weird...then I start fighting with my friend's girlfriend cause she was being an ultra big cunt to him. I guess that part isn't too weird cause I always wanna bitch her out when she's being a cunt.
And yeah...dunzo for now, ciao.
Monday, December 29, 2008
blackberry curve...winter break...twilight saga...weird dreams.
Posted by Liv Brock at 1:33 PM 0 comments
Friday, December 19, 2008
Ya know what....fuck that. If people wanna fuck up their own shit and not care how it affects anyone else then I'm not gonna care either. I'm not gonna waste my time being sad over other people's bullshit no matter how close they are to me.
Posted by Liv Brock at 12:11 AM 0 comments
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Distracting myself from being destructive again...
I seriously think I have slight ESP...and I'm not joking or just a very strong intuition...I had a feeling someone was doing something they shouldn't be...even though I thought we resolved it a while ago...just today...and what the fuck do you know? They were...or are...and I've come to the point where I'm done. Extremely done and it fucking sucks because I need to go away from this and I have no where to go...
Just so I don't ramble on let me just say this...the Twilight saga is probably the most amazing series out there in my opinion...that I've read. I really liked Twilight when I was done that it made me want to read New Moon...I read New Moon and though a lot of people didn't like the fact that the story was dragged out longer than it should've been I thought it was necessary for the suspense at the book's end...I bought Eclipse and Breaking Dawn and I just finished reading Eclipse after starting it yesterday....the book had a bunch of different points that made me laugh out loud and I love that. I love that I can visualize what's going on in the story and I love how the story can pull me in and make me want to keep reading...I'm resisting the urge to open up Breaking Dawn because even though I'm eager to read it, I'm sad it's the last of the series. I don't know if it's the finale book of the Twilight saga or not but it's the last one that's out now and I don't want it to end...so I stopped myself from starting it today and I told myself I would study for my psychology final on Monday...and I have yet to study. The book is sitting on my bed and I am sitting here across the room avoiding it...as much as I do wanna open it and start reading.
I'm doing this blog post because I need to distract myself from self compusting...I wanna run outside and do anything that'll take away the hurt I feel because someone I thought I could trust over anyone else hurt me...and I don't think I can forgive them anymore...
No it's not a romantic loved one but someone more important...and I can't even begin to imagine how they can't even care that I'm hurt and don't care what they're doing does to me...I just can't even believe that they could be so stupid...I'm angry, I'm sad, I'm hurt and I wish I could just slap that person but I won't because I'm not violent and I'm better than that. I want to get away and I will get away.
I wanna run outside and get mind blowingly drunk so that even though it won't go away, I can forget it for now...maybe I'll get hit by a car...that'll make things easier I don't need to be here anymore...there's no point...
Posted by Liv Brock at 9:52 PM 0 comments
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Holy...shit. Okay so yeah call me crazy but I had never seen the move Armageddon until today. It's been out since 1998 and people have said it was a good movie but I never took the time to watch it until right before this posting....can I just say they did not lie at all? That movie was ridiculously intense it had me at the edge of my seat and I cried! When Harry Stamper (Bruce Willis) chooses to stay behind and blow up the astroid...meteor whatever it is and he pushes AJ (Ben Affleck) back into the shuttle...um cried...serious moment there...then when he's talking to his daughter Grace (Liv Tyler)...um cried...wow...amazing movie. Definitely on my list of favorites now. Ontop of that, the fact that the like...song of the movie is "I Don't Wanna Miss a Thing" by Aerosmith makes things 20 times better. That song is one of my ABSOLUTE favorites of all time. Sigh...good stuff.

Posted by Liv Brock at 1:30 PM 0 comments
Sunday, December 7, 2008
You're like my own personal brand of heroin...
Hello there, it's been a while...well the semester is almost over, there are technically like three or four more days of classes left, it's kinda crazy. It feels like it just started. I'll miss my wccr boys during the break, hopefully I'll get to see some of them during that time.
I just watched Zack and Miri Make a Porno, it was kind of a dumb romantic comedy, kinda lame but a few parts made me laugh. Seriously the guys who make the movies like that and Superbad, Knocked Up and 40 Year Old Virgin need to step it up badly. There are only so many times you can say the word "fuck" before it starts getting annoying. And all those movies have way too many sexual references and what not. I don't mind sex or sex talk but let's keep it classy here people.
Also, I just watched Twilight. Now I must say I really did enjoy it and I kinda understand why every female who knows of Edward Cullen is strangely in love with him. Charming, really. Now, I haven't read the book yet and I know people who have were somewhat disappointed in the movie. I still want to read the book, the whole series actually, however, getting them at the library is a mission impossible, literally. Let's just talk about how there are currently 1,642 holds on Twilight, 600 on New Moon, 514 on Eclipse and 714 on Breaking Dawn. This is not even normal and is a little outrageous. It's a popular series, especially now with all the movie hype but holy shit. There's really no point in requesting them, at this rate I'll read them when my great great great grandchildren are graduating from college. Funny, before the whole movie thing (sometime last year), all of these books (besides Breaking Dawn since it was just released) were available at the library, at my finger tips and I put them all on my list of books to read but ended up never taking them out. Bummer. Now, I guess I could always buy them, but that's $83+ worth of paper...ouch. I guess it won't seem as bad if I buy them individually and spaced out over time...we'll see.
I really should get out some feelings in this little dilemma I'm having but I rather not disclose THAT on this blog...it just wouldn't be right...sigh.
Anyway, it's about 2:30 and I'm rather sleepy so I will end it here. I'll try not to be so lame and update this more often, I told myself that if I made a blogspot blog, I'd actually write in it and not abandon it like my multiple xangas...ciao darlings.
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Posted by Liv Brock at 2:32 AM 0 comments