If you're in, you know I'm in. I'm ready and I'm willing. I aaaaaaaaammmmmmm....
Sorry...I'm listening to I Am by Bon Jovi right now.
It is currently 7:11AM and I am already in school at WCCR. (I have class at 8) I don't mind getting here an hour early, it gives me the chance to hopefully put something in my stomach and actually wake myself up. However, I got here a little extra early today. Usually my mom drops me off at the train station on her way to work and I get on the uptown A express anywhere between 6:20 and 6:40ish in the morning and I usually get to 145th ST around 7AM, then I get on the shuttle and get here between 7:05-7:15AM...anyway I don't know why I just typed that...I don't even think anyone reads this lol. If there are actually readers out there, comment and let me know. I appreciate it. Typically people don't listen to me, ever, so I guess this is just where I get out my ramblings and thoughts...
So last time I posted, I was very angry and hurt and sad, and now, I'm getting over it. I've decided that I'm not gonna let it bother me so much anymore, actually no, I think it's been done over so many times that the healing process is getting shorter and shorter to the point where I'm kinda numb about it. I don't really know how I feel anymore...I mean there are some obvious feelings, but I'm just tired of thinking about it, thinking about the future, thinking whatifs and stuff like that. Whatever, it's best to not even think of it, I don't have any control over the actions of others so it's all up to them.
OT: Let's Get Loud by Jennifer Lopez just came on in my playlist on the Mac and it made me laugh, I don't know why. I think I'm still tired.
Speaking of which, I could NOT get to sleep on my own last night at all! It was so frustrating. First, I was freezing then when I got kind of warm, I just kept tossing and turning. My mom had to give me some tylenol pill with codine in it, which, I'm actually going to look up wtf codine is, I know eventually, not sure what point ,taht I actually fell asleep. Long story short, I didn't get much sleep last night and that's no bueno for Liv. Sleep is definitely essential to the plan.
I've realized, and this isn't a new revelation, but, I'm extremely random. I don't think any of my posts or thoughts have any type of structure, nothing seems to get with what came before it, lol. I think I like it that way though, not knowing exactly what is next, the element of surprise is kind of exciting...depending on the circumstances however.
For me, there are (including today) three more school days left until spring break. This break is definitely over due. I'll probably end up sleeping as much as possible, well, no, I don't know...we'll see. I think I have some kind of sleep problem though, recently it's been hard for me to get to sleep. Hopefully I can get into the sleep and dream disorder class at some point my college career.
Again, speaking of which...it's really frustrating to know that come this August, I could've been a Junior...leaving me with only two years to go, had I not taken the year off after graduating from high school...sigh, oh well. Each year I'll complain that I should be in the next year...lol But whatever, if I had started when originally planned I probably wouldn't know half the people I know now, so for that it's all good.
I really really really wanna travel...like really. I've never been out of this country and I think that is necessary in someone's life. America is kinda cool, but too much of something is usually not good. Actually, first I wanna visit California, Los Angeles and San Francisco. Then, Hawaii, then move down to the Caribbean, visit some islands down there and go to Puerto Rico and maybe the Dominican Republic. I don't know if I have any reason to go to DR, but I figured sure why not? The resort area should be nice. I think before I go to Hawaii and the Caribbean I want to go to Europe, not sure why, I've just always wanted to go to Europe, but before I go to Europe, I definitely wanna visit California first, not sure why of that either. Within Europe I want to visit, England, Germany, France, Italy, Greece, Ireland and the Netherlands. Yeah, I know I don't speak 5 out of 7 of those places, but I still want to visit. =) Hmm, I want to visit Japan, definitely, and Singapore. I still haven't decided if I want to visit China or not...I definitely want to visit Australia, even though it's probably hot as fuck and a half there...but still. I haven't decided if I wanted to go to Africa yet...lol. Anyway, pretty much I wanna visit all over the world...maybe when I actually have a career and the money to start...I'll be old as shit but I guess those are the best times to really live...although you should live throughout life and make it worth something.
Okay, this post has gotten wayyyy too long, longer than I intended, because again, I ramble. I have Speech soon, thankfully I've got 3 down and 1 to go, along with a group presentation...but for the most part I'm almost done. I just have NO clue at all what to write about for my creative/commemorative speech due in a month. Alright, before I begin again, ciao.
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