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Thursday, February 5, 2009

Your eyes are the size of the moon...

Some more weird dreams:
1. A few nights ago I had some strange dream that I was now out on my own...and my old employers (whom I don't care too much for) were supporting me in college, like they made sure I had a dorm and all dorm needs and school needs...I don't even know what school this was, but it was strange. Even in the dream it was strange and I felt weird having them give me all these things when I'm sure in reality they don't like me either lol.

2. I don't know what club, organization, team, cult (lol) I had just joined but the rules were that I had to give up my Blackberry and take whatever phone that they provided from Verizon. When they handed me this phone I instantly hated it because it had a standard keypad and I can't stand those types of phones. Full QWERTY keyboards are my thing. However, the phone was cute, it was black white and hot pink and I thought that was cool so I was like "Fine, I'll deal with it for the time being." So next I know I'm in one of the locker rooms of my high school gym, because whatever I had just joined was ran by my high school gym teacher. I don't know if we were like secret agents or what LOL but all of the things we had to connect us to our regular selves we had to get rid of. So we're getting ready to leave for some event that we MUST attend and I dropped my phone and I was like "Shit...I just got it and I hate it so much that I'm already unconciously trying to destroy it." So we're all being rushed and I pick up my phone really quickly and I swear I felt it move in some kind of way when I grabbed it so I'm looking at it and there's like a line down the side of it so I flip it and there's a full QWERTY keyboard when it flips up and I got really excited so I was like "YAY! Now I like this phone." But THEN I started worrying, because I had a completely new number that I didn't even know and we were only able to give our new numbers to a select few and no one would tell me my new number and I was complaining because I couldn't text my friends and my mother, sister, niece and nephew to tell them the number. So we had to go to some event and apparently Whitney Houston and Bobby Brown were there and they pass me and I didn't give a shit about Whitney but apparently I was a huge Bobby Brown fan (NOT AT ALL) and I was like "OMG Bobby, can we take a piture on my new phone?!" So he's like "Sure." (In the dream he wasn't all cracked out) and we're trying to take pictures of ourselves on the phone and then some random guy grabs the phone and is like "LET ME DO IT!" and he was definitely not doing it right and I was getting upset and then I woke up.... wtf @ Bobby Brown.

3. I just had this about a half hour ago and I woke up I was in California I believe with Ebony and Fallon and we were coming out of some huge store with shopping bags (well Ebony and I had shopping bags, Fallon was looking at us like we were strange) and in the bags are just born, small and everything. Apparently it wasn't strange or illegal at all that we just BOUGHT these newborns. I'm not sure what Ebony had in her bag but in mine were two small light skinned baby boys. However, at first I only saw one baby, because the other one was lying under him lol...I named the first one Jacob and he had on a little royal blue hat and then he moved and I saw the other one under him so I fixed their positions so that they were both able to move at their own will and one wasn't ontop of the other and I named the second boy Zachary and he had on a lime green hat lol. They were adorable...I'll just say that...and then they opened their eyes, so cute. They both had pretty light brown eyes. After that I was being all motherly, cooing and kissing their faces and then they both would make kissy faces and smile and they both had FULL FUCKING SET OF! Then I woke up to the sound of my laptop making the IM sound over and over so I got up and go figure it was Fallon and I told her the dream. =]

I'll have to start updating this thing more or something, idk I gues my life isn't that exciting lol. Ciao.

Here's some ear candy: It's been stuck in my head since someone was singing it at the station yesterday and though I barely know the words the melody is stuck in there.