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Sunday, February 1, 2009

Who'll save your heart this time?

I'm so over this school thing. I don't mind actually being in school and being at the station, but I'm so over going to class and doing the work. Maybe it's just because I don't like the classes I'm taking this semester or what but ugh so irritating. Speaking of the station, I'm the new Program Director, so that's pretty cool. I'll have a lot of work to do but I guess it'll be worth it. I have to find some people who'll be interested in helping me since I can't be at the station every day.

Anyway back to ranting about school, I don't like the fact that I'm paying to be there, yet they're telling me what I have to take in order to's like high school all over again. I don't mind them telling me what I have to take for my specific major, but don't tell me I have to take two full years of a foreign language just to get out of there. Blah...obviously I'm just gonna bare it but it's frustrating. I think it's just another way for people to control your life...idk...

Umm besides school, nothing much is up...haha so I def need some caffeine pills to stay up especially in Theatre and Psych, even if I get a good night's sleep, good breakfast and lunch, there's no way I can stay up in those classes, they're so boring and late. So I was on Target on Saturday and I'm in the pill section in the vitamins and supplements and stuff like that, you'd think that's where caffeine pills would be right? Yeah, no. I couldn't find them, so I go to the pharmacy and I ask a guy there where their caffeine pills were and he tells me aisle A4 so I go there and it's just pain relievers so I'm like how about not? So I go back to the vitamins and stuff and he's like "you're in the wrong aisle" and I'm like "No, you obviously don't know where you work." thus I still haven't gotten any caffeine pills and they are necessary to the agenda.

Oh, oh, oh and these weird dreams are getting a little out of hand lol. Last night I had two weird ones...I don't remember much in detail but the first one pretty much I was at some award show, and my nephew, my sister and I steal Snoop Dogg's car, which is like some old school kind of car, but it was nice and I'm the one driving and his whole entourage gets in their cars and they're like chasing me and trying to block me from the exit of the lot and all you hear is Snoop Dogg yelling "No mother fucker steals my shit!" and some how I make it out passed the gangstas, but they don't proceed to follow me out of the lot. So I drive to some huge house which is apparently mine. I have no clue where I was or why I had a house that big...anyway we're all hiding out in this house and going about our day like normal, my nephew was in the kitchen getting something to eat and I realized that we were actually driving a boat and that I had to park it in my swimming pool...and someone had to keep guard of the swimming pool so Snoop's gangstas don't come and take it weird...

And the second...I was in some office and I was told I was pregnant (yeah idk wtf is up with all of these pregnancy dreams) and apparently the father of the baby was this kid I go to school with (not going to mention his name, but ughh so hot <3) and so they tell me it's a boy and the father is insisting that I name it after him and I'm like "No, I don't like your name much, sorry." so I decide on a different name. However, I had a really strong feeling that it was a girl even though the doctors were assuring me it wasn't...but one odd doctor who was creepily nice was like "Don't worry we'll take some tests and we'll all know for sure then." it was strange, but that was pretty much it...seriously...what the hell? lol I need to go to a dream analyst or something.

I don't know what else to write here, I'm tired...I have to be up at 4:45 tomorrow morning in order to be at school by like 7:30 to be in class by 8...and I need to shower. Ciao.